Healthy-ish: The Wine Lover’s Guide To Wellness

Welcome to Grazia's new wellness column with Susannah Taylor, a self-confessed 'healthy-ish' follower of the latest fitness and health trends

Susannah Taylor

by Susannah Taylor |
Updated on

I’m Susannah Taylor, your new Grazia wellness columnist. I like exercise and endorphins, have a passion for salads, yoga, swanky leggings and turmeric lattes, but I am not, by any stretch, your modern Instagram wellbeing ideal. I don’t have washboard abs (three kids put the kibosh on that), I can’t stand kale and have never made a beetroot brownie in my life. While I genuinely like being healthy, I also love the odd cocktail, chocolate, salted butter and cheese.

I am not a nutritionist, a personal trainer or an elite athlete, but I am passionate about wellbeing and have 20 years of being a beauty and health editor under my belt. In that time I have seen trends come and go and tried every exercise class and holistic treatment under the sun. I’ve been massaged naked by a woman in see-through Lycra in Morocco; I’ve been punched in the stomach by a pro boxer in the name of ‘toughening up’; I’ve been steeped in boiling aromatic herbs in Provence and have eaten crickets for their protein content. I’ve eaten paleo for a year, been pinched all over to boost circulation, been healed by a shaman and pretended I was a grizzly bear in an exercise class. I’ve tried hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and hydrotherapy, and I’ve also done three triathlons, having got fit properly age 36.

What have I learned that I can pass on to you? Most importantly, quick fixes don’t work and if being healthy is making you unhappy, you aren’t doing it right. Food-wise, trying to ‘eat clean’ 100% of the time is boring and will make you miserable. Over my dead body will I make a cauliflower-based pizza. I’ve learned that you don’t need yacon root, psyllium husk and other unpronounceable ingredients in order to be healthy – a chicken and avocado salad will suffice (unless you are vegan, obviously).

I’ve learned that you can like wine and train for a triathlon, although best not to do the former to excess, and that, yes, sugar is bad, but having a piece of cake won’t kill you. Exercise and movement works – it makes me feel 50% better about life – something I wish I’d known in my youth. (It also gives you a much better body, but the mind bit is way more important.)

I’ve learned you need different types of exercise to stay strong, you don’t need a gym to get fit and that learning front crawl as an adult was a truly liberating experience, plus it seriously impresses my mates on holiday.Mental health is just as important as bodily health – having suffered from extreme anxiety at various points in my life, I know what it’s like to feel stuck, terrified and unable to dig yourself out. I’ve learned that exercise is medicine for the mind, as is meditation, as is sharing the load.

Remember, humans are much friendlier than screens. A bath a day is way more restorative than watching TV and stress is as unhealthy as a bad diet. Other tips? Get out in nature, put your phone down and remember: ‘You are not your thoughts.’ Yoga is magic. It’s a dance, a journey of life and a body awareness class all in one. If you’re embarrassed doing oms you’ll get over it in time.

Finally, not all experts are actually ‘expert’ – it’s my job to sift out the ones who know their stuff from the ones that don’t. I promise to keep it real – all ages, sizes, and fitness levels are welcome. See you next week!

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