Shopping for pregnancy supplements can often be overwhelming. Sure, you know you need to be taking folic acid, but what about, well, everything else? There are omegas to think about, iron and vitamin D. So, where do you start?
The NHS recommends that a healthy, balanced diet (with plenty of gut-friendly foods) will help you get most of the vitamins and minerals you need, though it does recommend that all-important folic acid supplement (400 micrograms every day) from the start of your pregnancy up until 12 weeks along. It also recommends a vitamin D supplement.
Keen to take your pregnancy supplement regime a step further? Lorna Driver-Davies, head of nutrition at Wild Nutrition, shares her top recommendations:
Is there anything else I should know about folic acid?
'Many women are not able to absorb standard synthetic folic acid,' says Driver-Davies. 'Which is why at Wild Nutrition we use food-grown folate. Think of it as a more “active” form of folic acid, which the body absorbs more easily than synthetically-generated forms. Folic acid is only recommended for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. However, Wild Nutrition's Food-Grown Pregnancy Supplement contains the required 400mg of folate and is beneficial and safe to supplement throughout your entire pregnancy.'
Could my baby be missing out on important nutrients if I am vegetarian or vegan?
Like the NHS, Driver-Davies recommend you maintain a healthy, balanced diet when pregnant. However, she warns that vegans and vegetarians need to be especially mindful. 'Vegan diets are especially low in choline and iodine, and normally vitamin B12 must be supplemented,' says Driver-Davies.
How can I aid digestion during pregnancy?
'Fluctuating hormone levels may disrupt the friendly bacteria in your body,' says Driver-Davies. 'So improving the balance of beneficial flora in your gut may support bowel movements and ease discomfort if you're experiencing it. Choose a probiotic supplement that offers a mix of different strains. This includes lactobacillus, bifidobacterium and streptococcus - as this has been shown to reflect a more natural gut environment.'
Are there any supplements that combat 'baby brain' or brain fog?
'Deficiency in DHA and EPA fatty acids can cause your body to extract DHA from its richest store – your brain – so that the baby’s supply continues,' says Driver-Davies. 'This can mean that your concentration is low and you feel forgetful or vague, particularly during the last trimester, hence the term “baby brain”.' Driver-Davies continues, 'omega-3 supplements providing DHA are a vital part of your pregnancy scaffolding. Not only are they crucial for the development of your unborn baby’s brain, eyes and nerves, but they can also reduce the risk of your baby having a low birth weight, and of postnatal depression.'
Low energy and feeling vague or dizzy can also be linked to low ferritin and iron deficiency, according to Driver-Davies. 'As your baby grows, iron demands increase. From the first trimester - when it is needed for growth and development - to the last trimester when stores are required in preparation for labour.'
Supplements are an excellent way to ensure you are supporting your body and providing it with all the vitamins you need for your pregnancy. We have rounded up the best pregnancy supplements made from high-quality ingredients to help you on this beautiful journey.
Shop: 11 Of The Best Pregnancy Supplements
SHOP NOW: Best Supplements for Pregnancy

Wild Nutrition Food-Grown Pregnancy
A reassuringly scientific supplement from an established brand. In these capsules, you'll find a whole host of vitamins and nutrients to support you and your baby: there's folic acid, zinc, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D and calcium.
Type: Refillable 30-day supply (you can save 10 per cent with a monthly subscription)
Why we love it: You can also continue to take it after pregnancy to keep your nutrition levels up whilst breastfeeding.
Wild Nutrition review: "I have used food grown pregnancy the whole way through my pregnancy and now after for the next 3 months my energy levels have been great the whole way through and all my levels for iron stayed high throughout pregnancy and labour. Would definitely recommend this product."

JSHealth Vitamin D Capsules
The NHS recommend upping your vitamin D intake during pregnancy, particularly between the months of September and March. It's a vitamin that regulates the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body, keeping bones, teeth and muscles healthy. This one from JSHealth is sustainably sourced and plant-based.
Type: 60-day supply (you can save 15 per cent with a monthly/bi-monthly/tri-monthly subscription)
Why we love it: Vitamin D3 also tackles the function of the heart and cardiovascular system.
JS Health review: "These capsules are amazing. I feel more energetic and less tired."

Active Iron Pregnancy Capsules
Your digestive system can become sluggish during pregnancy and this iron supplement promises to decrease fatigue, and improve immune function.
Type: 30-day supply (pay only £7.59 from your second subscription order onwards)
Why we love it: These supplements also prevent constipation, which is a lifesaver during pregnancy.
Holland and Barrett review: "Very happy with these. NHS prescribed gave me terrible constipation and were 3 tablets a day. These are once on an empty stomach and are much softer. My body is much happier on these."

Nourished The Prenatal Snack
Opt for chewable gummies rather than capsules if you struggle to swallow them. Each stack contains a comprehensive blend of vitamins and nutrients for expectant mothers, including folic acid, iron and zinc.
Type: 28-day supply (save 26 per cent with a four/12-week subscription)
Why we love it: These chewable supplements are sugar-free and have a sweet blackcurrant flavour- so it's actually enjoyable to take them.
Get Nourished review: "I feel like I'm getting much more benefits from my customised Nourished vitamins, rather than just some generic off-the-shelf multivitamin. Every 28 days like clockwork I get a new pack of tasty vitamins. Love that I can choose the flavours too!"

Wild Nutrition Vegan Protein + Superfood Blend
More than just a vegan protein powder, this supplement combines adaptogenic mushrooms and greens with protein to strengthen your immune system, reduce fatigue and promote mental clarity.
Type: 14-day supply (save 10 per cent with a monthly subscription)
Why we love it: This is a great option for those who don't like swallowing tablets, and comes in a yummy berry flavour to blend into a drink.
Wild Nutrition review: "This is the best vegan protein powder I have ever tasted! I've tried so many and they all taste horrible. I've also struggled to find a protein powder with all-natural ingredients and no added sugar. This is absolutely perfect and the added super greens make it even better. Thank you Wild Nutrition!"

Wild Nutrition Multi-Strain Biotic
Boost your gut health with this multi-strain biotic. There are eight different strains of healthy bacteria here to promote a strong, healthy gut.
Type: Amount of servings unknown (but you can save 10 per cent with a monthly subscription)
Why we love it: This powder is vegetarian and ethically sourced, with natural real food ingredients.
Wild Nutrition review: "Best probiotic! I have tried various probiotics and this one is definitely my favourite. I like the powder form, I drink it first thing in the morning. I love it so much I’ve decided to sign up for a subscription now!"

Wild Nutrition Food-Grown Iron Plus
You'll find vitamin C combined with iron in this supplement, for easy absorption and boosted energy.
Type: Refillable 30-day supply (you can save 10 per cent with a monthly subscription)
Why we love it: This supplement promotes healing if you become unwell, responding to infection and providing blood oxygen.
Wild Nutrition review: "I am so impressed with this product. I have never taken an iron supplement before but the improvement in my energy levels has been astonishing and quickly noticed. I used to feel tired almost from the moment I woke up but I am feeling refreshed, energised and much more alert mentally from the moment I get up. I am so pleased I tried them alongside my other Wild Nutrition products. I am 51 years old and perimenopausal and highly recommend them for others struggling with tiredness and fatigue."

Bare Biology Mums & Bumps Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules
Research has suggested that omega-3 fatty acids are 'critical for fetal neurodevelopment, and may be important for the timing of gestation and birth weight', too. One capsule per day provides the ideal amount for both mother and baby.
Type: 30-day supply
Why we love it: These capsules help with the brain and eye development of your foetus and breastfeeding baby. Fascinating stuff.
Bare Biology review: "I used this product during my pregnancy and found it amazing. No taste whatsoever, and easy to swallow. The Dha amount in the product is significantly high compared to its competitors. 10000+++ absolutely love the product."

Proceive Pregnancy Supplement Trimester 1 Capsules
Proceive have a pregnancy range with tailored nutritional supplements for women who want to ensure they are providing themselves and their baby the best nutritional support throughout pregnancy. Uniquely developed with vitamins and nutritional needs of both mum and baby during each trimester, there are three different products you can purchase for each trimester that has been tweaked for your needs. You can find the second and third-trimester supplements here.
Type: One month supply
Why we love it: We love how there are three different supplements available for the trimesters that contain tailored nutrients for each part of the pregnancy. Trimester one is fortified with 29 nutrients, whereas trimester two contains 31 key nutrients from weeks 13-27.
Boots review: "Good product which contains everything needed in early pregnancy."

Solgar Prenatal Nutrients
Fortified with minerals and vitamins, these allergen-free and vegan-friendly capsules are a great way to support your pregnancy. The supplement includes vitamin B3, vitamin D, vitamin C and vitamin E, which can all help to reduce fatigue and protect cells from oxidative stress.
Type: One month supply
Why we love it: This supplement can support your body not only during pregnancy but when trying to conceive and breastfeeding too.
Boots review: "Good product which contains everything needed in early pregnancy."

Viridian Pregnancy Omega Oil
If you would prefer to take a liquid supplement rather than a capsule, this Pregnancy Omega Oil is specially formulated with a blend of golden flax, hemp, rice bran, avocado and cranberry seed oils that offer an effective balance of Omega 3, 6 and 9. These essential fatty acids are needed for the growth and development of your baby and can be taken straight from the spoon or added to smoothies.
Type: 200ml liquid supplement
Why we love it: This highly nutritious oil is recommended for pre-conception, pregnancy and post-natal, and breastfeeding.
Review: "I was recommended this at Neals Yard before buying replacements on here as my skin became super dry in pregnancy. A very, very good supplement that I now swear by."