Christmas fever is kicking off and that means menu planning. Some take indescribable amounts of pleasure in this activity, whilst others find it a daunting, exhausting affair.
If you find it the latter, do not falter at the first hurdle. Because help is here at hand...
Free yourself from that boring (and dreaded) turkey curry recipe, and go with something different – something with more of a twist. A delicious homemade pie, for instance. Or a festive healthy pizza. What about eggnog cookies for a seasonal treat – or Christmas pudding ice cream (to use up what's left on Boxing Day)?
If the very thought of these dishes delights you as much as they do us, scroll down to read all about them (and prepare to get seriously hungry)...
Pre-Christmas Tree Pizza (pictured above) -----------------------------------------
Yes it's true, this Christmas Tree Pizza looks good enough to pack presents under. We discovered this dish courtesy of husband and wife blogging duo A Couple Cookswho suggest freezing spinach ahead of time, so it's ready to bust out for an easy peasy lunchtime treat like this one.
Including pesto, spinach, sundried tomatoes and cheese, it's a healthy Christmas option, and great for vegetarians too.
Christmas Eve Eggnog Cookies ----------------------------
The perfect alternative to mince pies, eggnog cookies are guaranteed to win over Father Christmas if you leave a couple out for him on Christmas Eve. Because putting an adored Christmas drink into food form is genius, pure and simple.
Great to guzzle on one's own too, of course – and a batch would make a thoughtful homemade present (if you're a little low on cash this Christmas).
See the recipe here, courtesy of Savoury Simple.

Boxing Day Bubble And Squeak ----------------------------
This Bubble and Squeak is essential for Boxing Day. Because bacon combined with anything makes us happy, and when it's combined with Christmas lunch leftovers, it's basically the happiest dish we can think of.
Blogger Francesca of Checky’s Kitchen came up with this dreamy recipe, which mixes the aforementioned BACON with Brussels sprouts, leftover roast potatoes, parsnips, celeriac... whatever you've got!
Yes, the options here are endless. Add it to your menu with glee.

So, Christmas Day has been and gone, and all that's left of it is the remnants of a cold turkey. If the very sight of it makes you feel exhausted, why not cover it up... in pastry!
This amazing Turkey Pot Pie is the perfect alternative to the turkey curry we mentioned above. Taken from Damn Delicious, the blog name name pretty much sums it up.
Perfect for a chilly December day, this is serious comfort food – excellent for warding off post-chrimbo blues, before the January detox begins... (But let’s not dwell on that. Just eat the pie.)

Christmas Pudding Ice Cream ---------------------------
If you’ve got a load of Christmas pudding lying around and you don't know what to do with it – cold Christmas pudding? Anyone...? – we’ve found the perfect way to rework it: through an ice cream.
This Christmas Pudding Ice Cream by the award-winning Bangers And Mash is so good it’s almost worth having a second pudding on-hand just to make sure there's enough to make it with. What's more, it couldn't be easier to whip up. Take a look at their recipe and get making.

Words By Milly Putt