There’s something that feels so decidedly unglamorous (and even a little shameful) when I admit to being a beauty editor who suffers with body acne. Despite my seven years in the industry (and my subsequent access to the best skin-beautifying products and expert advice possible) body acne is something I’ve struggled with on and off for as long as I can remember. I’ve been painfully aware of the red welts smattered across my shoulders and upper back - and I know I'm not alone. According to the NHS, around 95% of the population gets acne at some point in their lives. Of those people, over half get acne on their back. 'Bacne,' as it’s been so delightfully called, does not discriminate.
One of the things that fellow 'bacne' sufferers will be only too aware of is that it doesn’t matter how much we shower. Believe it or not, we do actually wash our backs – much to the shock of those offering unsolicited advice. No matter how many potent body washes I’d try or how often I’d scrub myself until I was red raw (daily, FYI) I’d always seem to have a new break-out to contend with. Typically, of course, any flare ups would occur when I was heading on holiday or to an important event. Oh, the joy.
Things changed, though, when, a couple of years ago, I got engaged. Like many brides to be, I amped up my skincare routine and began to experiment with different products in a bid to keep my bacne at bay. The hope was that I’d become well versed in what actually worked by the time the wedding came around. Two years later, I have good news. The myriad products I tested (and numerous ensuing breakouts) were not in vain. I found one product that truly changed the game - and it's currently in the Black Friday sale.

Enter theMurad Clarifying Body Spray, £46 (but currently £34.50 in the Black Friday sale) It’s a pretty medicinal-looking bottle brimming with purifying salicylic acid and antibacterial ingredients - it's said to work by 'penetrating pores to reduce current blemishes and preventing new ones from forming.' Initially, I found it quite drying – I noticed some peeling on my back and I even considered giving up for fear that it was making things worse. But I persevered despite the initial dryness, gradually increasing my use of it as I built up my tolerance until, after a couple of weeks, I was able to use it every other day.
The results weren't dramatic. Instead, the process was rather gradual. Around a month later, I looked in the mirror and marvelled. Gone was that initial dryness and, most impressively, gone was my acne. I realised that this product had actually worked and I can't describe the relief I felt.
Since I’ve incorporated the Murad Clarifying Body Spray into my routine, the reduction in my breakouts has been tenfold. I’ll still get the occasional blemish when my period is due but I’ve worked out that this is fairly normal for me - and it’s nothing like the painful welts with which I had to contend previously.
My only bugbear? The formula smells somewhat 'chemical', so you’ll want to spritz your clothes with a long-lasting perfume afterwards to mask it. The smell does fade away, but it’s a heavy-hitter initially.
It’s important to note that where body acne is concerned, what might work for one might not work for another - but I can personally attest that this spray is well worth trying if my experience sounds familiar to you. I'd have never believed you if you’d told me that one day, the skin on my back would be clear and smooth.
I have my fingers crossed it works for you, too.
Shop: Murad Clarifying Body Spray
The nifty 360 degree spray bottle makes light work of misting hard to reach places like the middle of the back. While it's something of an investment, a little goes a long way to achieve excellent results.