We Test The ‘Botox-In-A-Bottle’ Buy Reportedly Used By Kate Middleton And Meghan Markle

Kate reportedly recommended Biotulin to both Meghan Markle and Michelle Obama. Grazia put the botox-in-a-bottle buy to the test and here's the verdict...


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Royals are supremely reticent when it comes to individually endorsing brands. Of course it's something that can't be avoided in the fashion arena. If Kate Middleton wears a new outfit the likelihood is that the masses will soon hear of its origin within minutes without her saying a word, likewise for Meghan Markle.

When it comes to royal-approved beauty buys though, things are far more mysterious. Even the most seasoned beauty expert is unlikely to be able to pinpoint an exact lipstick and shade after spotting it on a Duchess, much less a skin buy or more particularly a face serum. It's no surprise, then, that the rumour mill is rife with alleged beauty favourites when it comes to the likes of Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle (find out what face oil they're both reported to love right here). One skincare brand that sparked headlines a few years ago when it came to both the Duchess of Cambridge and Meghan was a then new serum on the block, Biotulin.

Marketed as a 'botox alternative in a bottle', the clear gel formula promises to smooth out fine lines nigh on instantaneously. Back in 2017, a tabloid reported that Michelle Obama's make-up artist, Carl Ray said that Kate was a fan and recommended it to Michelle Obama, and Megan a year or so later. Whether there's truth to that or not, we wanted to put it to the test.

Delve even deeper into the history of this enigmatic buy and you'll soon find out that Kim Kardashian acquired the rights to it in 2015. Curiouser and curiouser....! With such seemingly prominent celebrity heritage, we simply had to get our hands on the stuff. Enlisting the time of three Grazia team members, we set about putting this bottle of endless promises to the test.

Biotulin Supreme Skin Gel
©Biotulin Supreme Skin Gel

The Results Are In

'I found the texture incredibly sticky, it was a bit like putting glue on my face, but it absorbed in quickly and then felt fine. My skin did feel tighter, and potentially shinier and more glowy, but the effects felt quite temporary. I always think it looks obvious when people have botox, so it’s probably a good alternative because it’s much more natural.' - Rosamund Dean, Deputy Editor.

'I used Biotulin for several weeks and I think what I was hoping for was slightly out of the realms of possibility for a humble serum. I was expecting dramatic results: for my frown line diminished and my laughter lines to fade. In reality, it made my skin quite sticky under my make-up and I didn’t really see any notable results. What with the pandemic kicking off, I guess reducing my wrinkles became slightly less vital and I stopped using it. Maybe if I give it another go I’ll stick with it for longer and might see why it’s such a celeb favourite.' - Jess Barrett, Contributing Editor.

'I have to be honest, I didn’t notice any difference at all! Maybe it’s just my furrowed lockdown brow – or perhaps my frown is beyond help – but I cannot wait to get back to Dr Prager and his magic needle! He is a magic man and is the first person I want to see when lockdown is over (sorry, mum!)’ - Laura Jordan, Fashion News & Features Director.

The Verdict

Is this serum going to give you botox-worthy results without a needle? No. Is it worth the spend for a bit of smoothing power and to be able to say you use the same serum as a Duchess and former First Lady? Quite possibly. Curiosity piqued? Shop Biotulin below.

Shop Biotulin Supreme Skin Gel Anti-Wrinkle Serum

Biotulin - Supreme Skin Gel

Rrp: $49.00

Price: $39.00

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