Made In Chelsea's Rosi Mai has had to swap filming the E4 reality TV show for life in lockdown. Here she talks Grazia through her well honed beauty regimen, mastering TikTok workouts, and the music that she can always rely upon to boost her mood.
The song I listen to when I need a boost: Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae and Doo-Wop by Lauren Hill
The book I can’t put down: I’m a painfully slow reader so when I do find myself really stuck into a book, I know it’s a good one! I recently read New Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan, which was mind-blowing, especially as I had just finished 21 Lessons by Yuval Noah Harari before that, and they both tackle different areas of change and development, so it’s interesting to get a wider perspective by comparing the two. New Silk Roads considers globalisation from the point of trade and naval expansion, whilst 21 Lessons analyses the recent developments in technology and potential threats of cyber and biological warfare. Both super interesting, really well-written and easy to read! Sapiens and Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari are also favourites of mine.
My favourite feelgood recipe: I love to experiment in the kitchen, and I’m always trying out new recipes and ideas. My recent favourite was my sticky pork belly with a Vietnamese salad and coconut cashew rice - the pork was incredibly tender, the salad crispy and fresh, and the rice balanced everything out perfectly. It was also a big success with my parents, which is saying a lot as my father in particular is quite fussy when it comes to food! It’s up on my IGTV if you want to give it a go.
The Instagram account that brings me joy: @lord_birthday, which is pure bonkers, and @influencersinthewild, which is very very funny.
What never fails to make me smile: My ShihTzu, Coco, will pick up her food bowl with her teeth and bring it over to beg for food and it is beyond adorable and hilarious.
My go-to supplement: I don’t take any supplements, actually I don’t really believe in supplements. However, I went foraging for wild garlic and nettles the other day to make a nettle gnocchi and wild garlic pesto, and nettles are absolutely packed with anti-oxidants and amino acids and all sorts of goodies, and the act of foraging itself is wonderful for the soul!
My favourite at-home workout: I tend to mix it up between meditation (don’t forget meditation!), yoga or pilates and short sharp workouts in the garden, of which I post many on my Instagram. I ran a 5K for charity the other day and found it really tough, so probably need to add a bit more cardio to my routine! I have also recently discovered the ‘TikTok workout’, which I think is fantastic as each workout is only 15 seconds, but by the time you manage to complete a whole routine in time to the rhythm of the music, you’ve done at least 10 circuits, and I find myself positively sweaty! Perhaps that says more about my coordination than it does about the technical level of the workout, but they’re really fun to try out anyway! Actually on that note, learning any TikTok dance is also a great way to smuggle some exercise into your day - some days I find myself spending 1 or 2 hours learning TikTok dances!
My feel-good at-home beauty routine: My routine is more of a ‘regime', always Dr Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Pore Perfecting Cleansing Gel, £46, with hot water, Benton Aloe BHA Skin Toner, £18, Malin + Göetz Replenishing Face Serum, £58, and Herbal Essentials Nourishing Cream, £30. As I’m not going out at the moment I’ve ditched the eye serum, eye cream. But I find it’s the extra special touches that really make me ‘feel good’. For example I’ll light a scented Diptyque candle, use my Daylesford hand cream and spray Bramley lavender sleep sprayon my pillows before I go to sleep and that is just - dreamy!
Appreciate the little things, believe in the power of positive thinking, and look up!
My fail-safe face mask: I don’t tend to use face masks that often, unless I’m flying in which case I always always wear a face mask, as well as Lanolips Face Base: The Aussie Flyer, £20, on the plane! As that’s not a reality at the moment, I’ve taken to lathering on plenty of Garnier Organic Lavandin Anti-Age Sleeping Cream, £10.99, before I go to bed, and then I just let that sink in over night (lavender is the absolute best scent for bedtime - so relaxing!).
Another song that makes me smile: Blame it on the Summertime by my darling friend Miles Kane never fails to put a smile on my face - from the very first few seconds I'm grinning from ear to ear and dancing around my kitchen! It’s a close tie between that and Ain’t Too Proud to Beg by the Temptations, which I’ve been listening to on repeat.
The smell that lifts my mood: I have been banging on about lavender, which is great for bedtime, but for anything else I love Neroli and Geranium - such fresh scents.
The movie I’ll happily watch again and again: The Biggest Little Farm. It’s like a fairytale for grownups! I also love old movies. High Society and Rear Window are my favourites, and Grace Kelly is my idol!
The Netflix show I tell everyone to watch: Grace and Frankie, and the Kominsky Method! These are my absolute favourite series, they are hilarious and so sweet. Both are about octogenarians, but don’t let that put you off, because they are packed with humour and actually they are so relatable to everyone from any age group. Also I think Abstract is fantastic if you want to learn something new.
My happy place: On the beach in Barbados with all of my friends and family. We go every year for Christmas and New Year, it’s always such fun and I have so many amazing memories there.
A final feelgood note from me: Appreciate the little things, believe in the power of positive thinking, and look up! You will get a totally different perspective, and sometimes that’s what we need. Perspective is so important, especially in times like this, because this too, will pass.
Rosi Mai appears on Made in Chelsea on E4, her instagram is @rosimaiand she is represented by KMPR Publicity Management.
Shop Rosi Mai's Beauty Favourites
Shop Made In Chelsea's Rosie Mai's Beauty Favourites

Dr Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Pore Perfecting Cleansing Gel, £46

Benton Aloe BHA Skin Toner, £18

Malin + Goetz Replenishing Face Serum, £58

Herbal Essentials Nourishing Cream, £30

Diptyque Baies Candle, £47

Daylesford Cosmos Organic Rosemary Hand Balm, £10

Bramley Sleep Spray, £16

Lanolips Face Base: The Aussie Flyer, £20

Garnier Organic Lavandin Anti-Age Sleeping Cream, £10.99,
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