Scrolling through Instagram this morning, we were suddenly brought to a halt by a selfie Chrissy Teigen posted over the weekend. ‘Has she had a reaction to lip fillers?’ was the first question that sprang to mind as the model posed close to the camera, revealing her swollen, and notably larger pout. Of course, this is Chrissy we’re talking about. Her candour and openness to talk about every subject under the sun and share her personal experience is why we adore her. And this situation is no different.
Although it may look like a strong reaction to lip fillers, the model and mum explains all in her caption: ‘lmao lookin great!! Not filler fail – I’d tell you! I don’t give a shit!’ she confirms. Rather, the unlikely culprit happens to be a piece of fruit (yes, seriously). ‘It happened after I bit the skin of a suspicious orange. Maybe pesticides on the outside? I look like a juicy blow-up doll, freshly unpacked.’
With over 500,000 likes flooding in, experts and friends were quick to comment on the post to offer their advice. ‘Allergy of course,’ says Dr Sandra Lee (aka @drpimplepopper) who suggests Chrissy should ‘take antihistamine and no more eating the suspicious fruit!’. Author and philanthropist, Jessica Seinfeld (@jessseinfeld) adds, ‘From personal experience, I can tell you it’s called orange or mango dermatitis.'
What Is A Citrus Allergy?
According toHealthline, citrus allergies are rare but do occur, ‘you may have an allergic reaction to the fresh fruit and juice of citrus fruits or to the peels.’ If the reaction occurs when you come into contact with the peel, this is called contact dermatitis (like Seinfeld suggests). But, if it happens after eating or drinking a citrus fruit, this is called oral allergy syndrome. Both can cause similar symptoms including swelling, redness, tingling and itchiness. If you’ve experienced something similar to Chrissy, the best course of action is to contact your doctor who will be able to advise and eliminating that suspicious food is the best way to keep safe in the meantime!
SHOP: Chrissy Teigen's Favourite Skincare Products
Chrissy Teigen Skincare Routine

iS Clinical Cleansing Complex, £36

iS Clinical Moisturizing Complex, £74

La Mer Crème de la Mer Moisturising Cream, £125

La Mer The Concentrate, £290

Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips, £10.99

Dr Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Peel Extra Strength Formula, £89 for 30
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