A new launch from Charlotte Tilbury is reason to feel cheerful indeed. Whether it's foundation – the Airbrush Flawless is nothing short of miraculous – or the sell-out Pillow Talk range, Tilbury's products are exciting, fresh and really work, too. Brilliant news, then, that a brand new series of eye products have just launched – and they promise to bring a little bit of magic to your makeup bag.
Tilbury has called this her Eye Colour Magic collection, consisting of four 'magic trick kits' designed to light up your eyes and enhance their natural colour. There are palettes and eyeliners, one for every eye colour (blue, brown, green and hazel) with straightforward instructions on how to create an impactful look easily.
Says Tilbury, 'Everyone longs for the confidence to know which colours work, and now, I'm sharing my secret. I have always been obsessed with elements of colour in people's eyes; the flecks of green in blue eyes, the shards of gold in brown... There are so many magic eye tricks I use on the red carpets and runways to make those elements glow and shift the eyes into their most magical state.'
Tilbury's father, Lance, was an artist who taught her everything about colour mixing, while she's also conducted hours of research and interviews with colour theorists, psychologists and other artists to ensure this collection uses the principles of the colour wheel.
The idea is that, should you want to make your eyes really pop, you select shades that are opposite to your iris' natural colour. If, however, you simply want to enhance the colour of your eyes, choose a shade similar to your natural hue. I, for example, have blue eyes, so tried the Copper Charge palette, consisting of champagne golds, russet browns and rose coppers.

You can use each shade on its own, of course, but I decided to create a more dramatic look for evening and therefore took Tilbury's advice and combined all four shades in the palette. The result was the most flattering smokey eye I've ever worn, which caused many people to comment on how blue my eyes looked. I amped it up with just a slick of the Copper Charge eyeliner on my bottom lash line, too.
For brown eyes, the focus is on a mix of blue shimmer, deep navy and metallic gold, while hazel eyes have the Green Lights palette made of cool gold, golden olive and deep khaki. For green eyes, it's shades of deep plum, pink and mauve.
Tilbury suggests this new collection will allow you to 'see your eyes like you've never seen them before,' which at first made me somewhat skeptical. After trying it for myself, however, I can confirm that not only is it very easy to create an amazing look on yourself (if I can do it, so can anyone, believe me) but it really does live up to its promise. It may not be actual magic, but it's pretty damn close.
SHOP: Charlotte Tilbury's Eye Colour Magic Collection
Charlotte Tilbury's Eye Colour Magic Collection

Copper Charge Magic Trick Palette, £82

Mesmerising Maroon Magic Trick Palette, £82

Green Lights Magic Trick Palette, £82