Chanel may have been late to the party in terms of embracing digital - both with e-commerce and social media - but the luxury brand have certainly made up for lost time. Boasting a bigger social media following than any competitor, they are now the leading luxury brand on all platforms, except Facebook. No longer content with just one Instagram account (and 25 million plus Insta fans), for 2018 the storied fashion house have launched a new feed dedicated just to beauty.
Teasing imagery from the beginning of January, they shared their vision for the new account with a video. Revealing the content they plan to share, on the agenda we have daily inspiration, tips, colourful talks, cult products, decoded looks and insider info from Lucia Pica, global creative make-up and colour director for Chanel. With their #CreateYourself mission, the brand is encouraging expression and individuality with makeup.
To kick things off Chanel have been sharing details of their colourful SS18 collection titled ‘Neapolis: New City’. In a series of short videos, Pica explains how she chose the vibrant hues for the collection based on a trip to her hometown of Naples, Italy.
Choosing to see the city with new eyes, reference points for the brand new collection included colourful buildings, fishing nets and a pink sky.
Sharing a selection of video clips, millennial-friendly colleges and multi-coloured flatlays, the new feed is a feast for the eyes.
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