For the purpose of this article, I'll try and retain some level of neutrality. But, it will be difficult. Why? Because I am - without any hyperbole - obsessed with B12 injections. If I had an addictive personality, which luckily I don’t, I would be pumping my arm with this stuff every morning. So far, over the course of a fortnight, I’ve had two shots. The first when I was coming down with a serious cold and this magical panacea jolted my system back into wellness. I had the second after London Fashion Week when my feet were 90 per cent blister, and my immune system was frazzled, but this shot made me feel like the Duracell Bunny. If you’re feeling tired and a little crabby it will sort you out. Here’s how…

What The F Is B12?
Without B12 your body would start producing abnormally big red blood cells, which is a bad thing. Without it, you can start feeling tired, weak and even depressed. So, it’s very important. B12 deficiency is especially common in those following a plant-based diet. And, though people don’t really talk about it, it’s been shown that women on certain types of the pill struggle to absorb the vitamin naturally.
Can’t I Just Get It From Food?
Yes, you could, but you would have to consume a lot of meat, fish or dairy. Wikipedia says clams, sweetbread, lamb, veal, beef, and turkey, fish eggs, mackerel, and crab meat all have a high potency of B12. In lieu of a carnivorous diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can take it in a shot form or as a supplement.
What’s A B12 Shot Actually Good For?
B12 is known as the ‘energy vitamin’ as it helps your blood cells, DNA and immune system function better. Plus, it does wonders for your metabolism. On a more day-to-day basis, it benefits your sleep, mood and appetite.
Where Do I Get One?
I went to the Reviv clinic in Knightsbridge, which is in the basement of a plush office block sandwiched between luxury 5* hotels. There’s no way you’d happen upon it, you have to know it’s there hidden down the building’s thickly carpeted stairs. Reviv do more than just B12, they offer IV drips for when you have a hangover but want to feel like a rockstar and B12 shots with added oomph. For instance, their Slimboost shot, which I've also tried and highly recommend, speeds up your metabolism and makes your workouts count for more. Likewise, there is the CoQ10 shot, which also includes B12 but with added extras for those that hit Hiit classes hard as it helps boost your energy and makes your recovery period shorter.
What Did It Feel Like?
The clinic I went to had these bizarre blown-up photographs on the walls of beautiful women lazing by pools or sunning themselves in exotic locations while hooked up to IV drips. On a cold February day in central London, I already knew my experience wouldn't be quite like theirs.

I was given the choice of five elixirs but promptly chose the B12 option. I was taken into a little side room where I rolled up my sleeve and with some coaxing by the physician had a needle filled about an inch full of the vitamin prick arm. It took seconds and was relatively painless.
At first, my arm felt tender and a little heavy, but the B12 quickly tingled through my system. Whether it was a placebo effect I’ll never know, but I felt a zing of energy. Even though I felt totally rubbish and flu-y when I had my first injection I was able to go on and complete an extreme HIIT class the next day.
How Long Does The Effect Last?
My physician recommended having a series of three with one shot every fortnight.

Are There Any Side Effects?
Other than my arm feeling tender for the first 12 hours, I didn’t have any side effects. But, the internet tells me that because B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, so it’s unusual to have any adverse consequences. Though that said, beauty is pain, and some people have found that too much can cause diarrhea and itchiness, so don’t over do it!
What If I Want A Little More?
Try the Slimboost or CoQ10 shots, which both contain B12 but have extra fun add ons. For instance, the Slimboost will make your metabolism speedier and the CoQ10 will increase your workout stamina.
Disclaimer: always check with your doctor first before having a B12 injection.
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**Follow Lucy on Instagram @lucyalicemorris
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.