Six Second Hacks: How To Do Wet Look Hair Without Looking Like A Loser

Going out tonight? Got shit hair? We tried out the wet look and it actually worked. Here are three ways you can try it too...


by Stevie Martin |
Published on

A quick look at AW14 catwalks or on pretty much any red carpet at the moment and you'll have seen gel isn't just for adolescent boys in 2004 anymore. I've been dreading trying this for weeks, but it turns out that the wet look isn't as horrific and unwearable as the fashion industry would have you believe. It's actually pretty fucking cool, and you can do it at your desk which gets it about 500 bonus points. More bonus points roll in for the fact it's perfect if you've forgotten to wash your hair for a week, which is definitely not something I've done mum/hot men if you're reading this.

Basically, gel rules. And the wet look can be achieved even by people who usually have their hair really big (me), never do anything interesting with it (me) and are scared of dramatic hairstyles (me) using nothing but a good brush/comb/brushcomb and a pot of gel.

So if you're going out tonight and you always wear your hair massive and voluminous like a big horse (odd simile, I hold my hands up) then try out one of these three ways to wear it wet and not look like a loser, a try-hard or someone who doesn't shower.

Oh, and before we start, all gel is good gel, unless some weird guy comes up to you and says 'would you like to buy some gel' before being sick on his own trousers. Don't use that gel. The gel I used is Schwarzkopf G.FORCE texture and, like most gels, it describes its hold as 'extreme' which I really enjoyed. Other good descriptions of gel to look out for are 'Arousingly good gel: has unprecedented hold', 'Wetlook gel: sodden hold' and 'Bloody nice gel: hold me'. I'm also available for product copywriting.

Anyway back to the styles - here are the three big ones that will transform your Friday night from 'You look nice' to 'That wet look hairstyle looks surprisingly good and dramatic':

The wet cat(walk) look

**Easy? **It'll look cool but a bit messy, so tidy up by flattening the sides and making sure you don't gel the bottom bit or you'll resemble a lego person. Keep the gel on the scalp section and let the rest roam free like the wind.

How to do it: Get a really satisfying dollop of gel the size of two olives and rub it between your hands. Notice that the transparent gel turns foundation coloured because you've got foundation on your hands and that's disgusting. Wash your hands, then repeat the previous steps, and run your hands through your hair as if you're in a Herbal Essence ad (other shampoos are available) or a porn movie (other movies are available).

**The wet cat(walk) up do **

Easy? Yes but getting the right amount of messy greasiness is a bit tricky so be prepared to fiddle around with it.

How to do it: As above, but then pull your hair into a bun and slather on more gel. Loosen the sections you want to look slightly less flat-against-your-head to achieve a rounded, even look and to make sure you don't have one side of your head bulging out in an alarming fashion.

**The 1920s dramatic (and wet) look **

Easy? It all depends on the brush, so make sure you've got a good one. Plus, a good side parting it required and it can't be all over the place.

How to do it: Get that barnet brushed and down, then create a side parting. Alternately comb it slick and add little bits of gel until you can't comb anymore, slick down the sides, make sure the crown is flat to your head and secure into a low bun at the nape of your neck. Slick the front down again until you look a bit like a man. Probably wear lots of makeup with this otherwise you could look like you've come dressed up as a (male) character from Bugsy Malone. In saying this, I absolutely love it because Scott Baio is my fashion jam (look him up in Bugsy Malone ok).

To conclude: I was going to go home and wash my hair before venturing out tonight. Now I'm still going home because I'm wearing an old cardigan and even older shoes, but I'm keeping the barnet. Why not join me and let me know how it goes/how many confused comments you get from people who haven't read Vogue in a while?

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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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