Had a heavy week? An even heavier weekend? Well, your eyes will be the first to show it then. And no one wants limp lashes, redness, murky whites. Not least because they're a massive giveaway to your boss that you've been, ahem, over-exerting yourself.
Thankfully they just takes a few very simple steps to remedy.

Grab a nude liner
A pink waterline is not attractive but neither is a strip of stark white – a nineties mainstay nonetheless. Brightening up your waterline will always make your eyes look bright. It eliminates redness, instantly, and a handy tool come mid-afternoon in the office when staring at a screen has made your eyes look bloodshot. Always opt for a fleshy colour rather than white, it’s less obvious. NARS Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner, £18, is a goody because it stays put. The shade Via Appia is a good option for darker skins and Rue Bonaparte is works well against lighter skin.
Opt for a blue lash tint
This little trick is a new discovery of mine. During my monthly strip to Shavata for my normal lash tint, £19, my therapist decided to add some blue to my usual black. I took some convincing, imagining eighties electric blue lashes, but she insisted and I relented. And funnily enough – seeing as she was the expert in this situation – she knew what she was on about. While deep and dark enough to be completely unnoticed, the blue instantly brightened my irises and made my whites look whiter. Such a small alternation has led to a recent flurry of compliments on my ‘eye make-up’ when I have been wearing none.
**Swap-out your usual mascara **
Naturally, the same rule applies to mascara. Try swapping your normal black mascara for one with just a hint of blue. Yves Saint Laurent Luxurious Mascara Shocking Volume in Sea Black, £24.50, is a great option. It’s lengthening and thickening lasts an age – love this one.
READ MORE: Do We Really Need Eye Supplements To Save our Screen Tired Retinas?
Longer Lashes
I could recommend lash extensions here but being a recovering false lash-aholic I can’t in good faith do that. Strip lashes are great for adding instant length, and while lash extensions look completely natural they can leave your own lashes in a bit of state once they’re off.
So instead, I choose to grow my own. I’ve had some success in the past with RapidLash, £41. The ingredients in this serum essentially make lashes healthier so they are less likely to fall out before their time. However, the best results come curtesy of My Lash, £105 for one bottle, £205 for two. It’s extends the life cycle of lashes, basically meaning they’re rooted into your skin for longer so that they have a longer period in which to grow. I AM OBSSESSED. I have been using it for over two years and my lashes are longer, thicker and darker. There really is no downside to this bad-boy and I would honestly forgo mascara for the rest of my life in favour of keeping my My Lash. Luckily we don’t live in such a cruel world where I would have to choose. It’s a pricey investment, however two bottles last a very long time and if you’re someone who regularly has lash extensions anyway you’ll quickly see a saving.
**Lash curlers **
Simple but effective and you’ll never see a decent make-up artist without a pair; we’re talking of the humble eyelash curler. For such a simple device they really do make a massive difference to how ‘awake’ you look. Unless you already have a lovely curl to your lashes you will most-definitely benefit from using a lash curler. I always curl mine before I go in with foundation, this way I don’t lean on my freshly applied base and mess it up. It’s important to get as close to the root of your lashes as possible but without catching the skin (it hurts!). Clamp down and bend the curler backwards towards your face to get the most out of the lift. Hold for a few seconds and let go. Most brands have their own eye lash curlers but a favourite is always Shu Uemura Eyelash Curlers, £20 – they’re easy to use, gentle on the hairs and don’t pinch your skin.
Get Some Drops
Pollution, rubbing your eyes, computers, they all cause eyes to become red and the whites less than bright. I’ve tried pretty much every eye drop out there to remedy this and have found Murine Bright & Moist Eyes, £4.59, to work. Without fail.
I had my eyes lasered a year-or-so ago and after the massive pools of blood that masked my whites finally abated I was left with murky eyes that made me look ill. These drops were the only thing to make them white again. They’re kind of milky in colour, and once in your eyes they do cloud your vision for a couple of seconds, but they get to work straight away. I tend to add a drop to each eye before doing my make-up and by the time I’m finished my eyes are sparkling. It works, get some.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.