We don’t know about you, but we’re forever crushing on cool girls’ ink, erm can we mention OITNB’s Ruby Rose for one?? But the scaredy cat in us usually wins out, and we’re a lil terrified of that much commitment tbh.
Step forward….temporary tattoos! Yes, the 1p tattoos from the newsagents of your youth are back. Perfect for a holiday or festival, but can rub off before your boss/mum/gran sees them #generationnocommitmentnoregrets. With this do it yourself printable tattoo paper you can have it all (n.b. check if your printer is Inkjet or Laser before buying, there’s a specific paper for each.)

You can dream up the tattoo design of your choice and print it at home. If you need some ink inspiration, look no further than The Debrief’s Pinterest Tattoo board. Simple geometric designs are big news, and right now we love a simple circle, diamond, or star sign. You can create your design in word or Photoshop, using keyboard keys (hello //>>* we’re looking at you) or with a simple shape tool. It’s also perfect for writing out words or quotes in pre-installed fonts. Whatever design you choose (this is the crucial bit) you have to flip it. Follow the instructions on your tattoo paper - ours were as follows.

Print your flipped design onto the tattoo sheet. Leave the ink to dry for at least 4 hours, or speed the drying time up by using a hairdryer.

Add the adhesive shiny paper over the tattoo sheet, lining it up by peeling one corner, then smoothing down with a ruler, to avoid air bubbles.

Cut out your designs as closely as possible. When you’re ready to apply, peel off the top shiny sheet, place on the skin, and wet until the whole of the tattoo paper is saturated. (Aren’t the childhood memories flowing back?!)
When the tattoo is ready, the paper should slip off, revealing your rad ink. If not, more water is probably required.

Embrace a new tattoo’d you, for you will be looking super badass.
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Follow Jenny on Twitter @JennyBrownlees
Model: Elle Burnett at Savalas Models
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.