How To Make Your Own DIY Makeup Primer

Instagram filtered skin without spending all the pounds...

How Make Your Own DIY Makeup Primer

by Mari Santos |
Published on

A primer may seem like an extra, unnecessary step in your already too long makeup routine, but when you need your skin to look pore level: Kardashian, it’s a necessary evil. But sometimes, it’s hard to justify spending 25 quid on a makeup step when your rent’s late and your cat refuses to eat his new food you found on offer in Poundland. There are no winners, and unfortunately, some things just can’t be justified with extra Boots Advantage Card points. Solution? DIY it.

You’ll need: aloe vera gel, moisturiser, a container to hold it in and something to mix it all together. If you’ve got acne prone or oily skin, a drop of witch hazel will also help soothe redness and has anti-inflammatory properties. Truth be told, you can just use aloe vera gel on it’s own, but we’re being crafty here, so go with it.

Add a dollop of the aloe vera gel. Aloe vera has many healing properties and will have a cooling, hydrating, which is perfect for dry skin. It’s the key ingredient that will help smooth in lines and pores, making your foundation glide on more smoothly. I’m using Lily of the Dessert 99% Aloe Vera Jelly.

Next, add moisturiser. This is the perfect way to use all those sample packets of moisturiser you’ve hoarded throughout the years.

Add a drop of witch hazel.

Mix it all up.

You’ve got yourself some primer. Make sure to let the primer dry on your skin before applying your foundation.

Apply your makeup and prepare to be amazed at your Instagram-filter looking skin that should last you from morning all the way through that sweaty tube ride home.

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Follow Mari on Twitter @sarimantos

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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