Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Pocahontas, Elsa – what do they all have in common? Hair for dayz. Short hair is for boys or panto Peter Pans, at least that’s what fairytales would have us believe. There is no short haired Barbie, there is at a push Snow White’s little black bob, even Tinkerbell has a bun. But, guess what, more and more celebs are ditching the dead ends, and it’s because there is nothing like claiming your own ideal of femininity like chopping off all your hair and sticking a finger to the Mannnnn.
![IMG_6598[3] copy](https://images.bauerhosting.com/legacy/lifestyle-legacy/97/9f8b6/60082/ee8ae/a96b9/1f908/1f807/IMG_6598[3]%20copy_349x620.jpg?auto=format&w=1440&q=80)
So You’re Going For The Pixie Cut, Let Me Hold Your Hand.
As a veteran of the pixie cut and a long time short hair member it is something that requires a bit of a brave face (red lipstick anyone), but it is also totally worth it. For these reasons: You will never be wolf-whistled at again. No really – since I’ve had a pixie cut men in vans have ignored me and it is excellent (unless I wear short shorts as short shorts cancel out the short short hair ratio that seems to freak certain men out, there seems to be no getting round that one). Trust me, it’s like your own personal force field and it rocks. But, don't worry there is a skinny hipster man/woman out there who will love your Edie Sedgwick head.
You Will Need Eyeliner
If like me, you are going bleaching that pixie this applies tenfold. However, all ladies with short short hair will tell you: your eye make up will suddenly pop when you get rid of the locks. So, go heavy, go Winehouse. It will look fly. The first two weeks you might feel a little freaked, you keep feeling around your head for the phantom hair you cut off. And, some old school relatives will give you a look as if to imply, hmm a bit ‘lesbian’ don’t you think. To them you get to say, ‘I’m wearing Doc Martens too – shock shock horror horror grandma now read all these books on gender and sexual politics by Crimbo, and we can talk…’

Give Your Hair Time To Settle
As with anything new, you just need to get used to it. In the mean time enjoy your fine jaw line, the fact that you need zero hours to get ready in the morning and your hair dries in a millisecond. There will be no more clawing hair out of the shower so enjoy being the good flat mate.
Invest In The Good Stuff
Get salt spray (Bumble and Bumble do a great one) if you want a bit of texture/volume. Though don’t go overboard – otherwise, it goes a bit Trump. Oh and I find the short hair does not love products with too much oil in ‘em. So, while you may be tempted to go all Argan use it sparingly as it makes short hair look as greasy as an 18-year-old boy getting ready for a leaver’s ball in 1997.
Find Your Leader

So who is rocking the pixie look? Well before you all shout MILEY, for me it all started with Agnes Deyn many years. She was my everything, and she sported a very tight, very blonde pixie cut. After years of streaking my hair and cutting it into a sort of swooshy shaggy bob thing, I went pixie to be like Agnes. I was reborn and I came out of that chair and pranced down the street feeling a foot taller, graceful, gazelle like – sharp and super Agnes. It gave me a weird confidence feeling the buzz of the razor as they shaved up my neck, I felt strong. And then someone told me I looked like an egg. The literal and metaphorical buzz was well and truly ruined. But as the hair grew out, so too did my confidence. I felt a bit sad, a bit less like me, I felt a bit…ordinary. So I ignored that really great mate who said the thing about eggs – in fact, I remembered that eggs are my favourite food and did it again, shorter and shorter each time. Oh yeah, by the way, it gets addictive you have been warned, and it is pricey, you will go to the hairdressers more times in a year than some people go in their lifetime. But hey, what you spend on haircuts you save on straighteners.
Katy Perry, Ri Ri and Cara have done it and now so can you. Trust me. And guess what – if it’s not for you – hair grows dude, just swear off the Insta for a bit. But I have a feeling you’re gonna be prancing down the street. Like a right pixie…
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.