How To Hide A Spot At Your Desk In 7 Minutes

I know the struggle, and it is so very real.

Cover a spot gifs

by Chemmie Squier |
Published on

You know when you look in the mirror and, somehow, a huge spot has developed on your chin in the space of the last hour? You do, I know you do. Or maybe, like me (yep, it's my pimply face you're watching get covered up, which incidentally is also the totally deadpan one in the main picture. Why so serious?), you're in the grasp of bloody adult acne right now and you need all the help you can get. Either way, I'm guessing you're wanting to conceal them in one way or another because they feel so huge they're basically waving at passersby (FYI, I'm 99% sure you skin doesn't look as bad as you think it does, so chill). Anyway, I got make-up artist Lucy Pearson on the case, because if anyone knows how to cover up those damn spots, she does.

Before we got started, Lucy explained the need for all the different types of concealers and brushes (mainly because I was looking at her like, wtf are you going to do on my face with all this stuff?): 'This whole look is about building up textures: wax, liquid, then powder, to get major coverage.'

Now we've cleared that up, here's what you'll need:

  • A waxy, thick cream concealer

  • Liquid concealer

  • Square, flat brush

  • Fluffy eyeshadow brush

  • Another small, fluffy brush

  • Loose, fine powder

And this is how to do it:

Step One

Start by using the square, flat brush - something like the EcoTools Flat Eyeliner Brush, £5.49, but if you've got a lip brush hanging around, that would work too, just make sure there's no lippy remnants on it. Using your 'waxy' concealer – Lucy used KIKO's Full Coverage Concealer, £7.50) – lay it on to the spot (or spots, in my case). You can go quite heavy with it in this step because you're going to buff it in later.

Step Two

Now go in with your liquid concealer, Lucy used the M.A.C Select Moisturecover, £15.50 , and buff it in with a blending brush like M.A.C 217 Blending Brush, £19 which is a little pricey, I know, but Lucy says it's the 'absolute best eyeshadow blender' so it's a good multi-purpose brush to own. When you're buffing it in, focus on the area around the spot because to make sure it blends in seamlessly with the other concealer.

Step Three

Finally, you'll want to powder the area using a super fine, loose powder like the Natural Collection Loose Powder, £1.99, using another small fluffy brush. The Lily Lolo Eye Blending Brush, £5.99, would do the trick. The powder's important because it sets the two layers and makes the area matte and less visible. Now you're done and pretty much no one will ever know that you're sporting a spot the size of a tennis ball (even though you're not, trust me).

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Follow Chemmie on Twitter @chemsquier

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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