Hairdressers Finally Solves The Problem Of Awkward Conversation With Your Stylist

Introducing possibly the greatest invention of our time; the quiet chair

Hairdressers Finally Solves The Problem Of Awkward Conversation With Your Stylist

by Molly Boswell |
Published on

If, like me, you're the kind of person who has shamelessly ignored people they know on the train platform because you can't bear the thought of being stuck in an awkward conversation with them, then A) congratulations on being a socially awkward nightmare and B) check out what Cardiff hairdressers Bauhaus have done - we think you're going to like it.

See, Bauhaus, as part of a refurbishment project, have come up with a way to end that awkward 'Doing anything nice at the weekend?' chat that is as much a part of going to the hairdressers as pretending you love your new haircut when actually you're trying to hold back the tears. Their solution? Introduce a 'Quiet Chair' which means that the customer has the option to opt out of conversing with their stylist and, instead, read a magazine or stare off into space without having to think about witty banter to engage in with the person that's holding a sharp pair of scissors a few inches from their ear.

Owner Scott Miller sounds like an excellent guy. 'Our team is full of brilliant conversationalists,' He told Wales Online. 'It’s an important part of being a hair stylist, and most of our customers love coming in to have a chat. But at the same time, we understand people lead busy lives where they may have been communicating with people all day and want some relief. A trip to the hair salon is supposed to be relaxing, and while for some people that means catching up on what’s been going on in their lives, not everybody is comfortable with small talk.'

'We wanted to take the embarrassment away, and for customers to know we won’t be offended if they don’t want to do the small talk often associated with visiting the hair salon.' He continued. 'I always say, if you’re asking your client where they’re going on holiday, you’ve lost.'

Here's hoping this is a trend that catches on. Might mean I actually get my hair cut once in a while.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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