Every time we see K.Middy, we are always wowed by her impressive head of uber-glossy, chocolatey waves. How does Kate Middleton's hair look so good? How is she always looking beyond gorgeous and every inch the royal beauty? These are the haunting questions that keep us up till 3am...
Luckily we managed to catch up with Kate Middleton's hairdresser Jo Hansford who has finally revealed the secret to Kate’s new look. Jo told us, “It looks as though Kate has had a mahogany vegetable colour treatment. These are semi-permanent colours that enhance and deepen your colour and leave you with very glossy, shiny hair perfect before a red carpet event. As Kate already had lighter tones from a previous colour treatment, the vegetable colour has picked up these variations and her colour now has the effect of our latest technique, the Jo Hansford Ecaille Colour. Her hair looks healthy and this richer tone is perfect for her skin tone, she looks positively glowing!”
In fact, K-Mid is bang on-trend with this new style as the glossy, healthy look is back big time. Put away those straighteners girls, and get glossing! If, like us, your locks are feeling a little lacklustre, then start using a seriously moisturising, glossing shampoo and conditioner for super-healthy strands.
Here are some examples of K-Middys locks looking extra fab.