Five Unusual Uses For Elizabeth Arden’s Eight Hour Cream

You can use it on spots! To make glittery lipstick! As a lube (joking: don't use it as a lube)

Five Unusual Uses For Elizabeth Arden's Eight Hour Cream

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

Elizabeth Arden’s Eight Hour Cream isn’t a cheap purchase, but it’s worth being in every bathroom cupboard or bedside table that can just about afford the £26 price tag, because my god does it work hard.

Until recently it was, for me, One Of Those Things Rich, Together Women Own, which is exactly why I first ended up buying it. I’d gone through a break-up and felt like a sad lonely child in a playground, so spent £26 on a tube of something I didn’t understand but could look at in my bathroom cupboard every morning when getting my toothpaste out.

Turns out this stuff is worth missing a few trips to the pub for, because i’'s the actual bee’s arse. It also smells like a bee’s arse (even the fragrance-free version), but it’s a scent that I have come to associate with work. When this cream is on whatever part of my body I’ve put it on, I know it’s doing what it says on the tin (or box) – which is more than I can say for 90% of the incredibly expensive serum I steal from the beauty cupboard in the office. Brightening. Youth-giving. Glow-enhancing. Line-reducing. Puff-reducing. Face-reducing. It’s usually all just synonyms for ‘a nice cream that smells of perfume and makes you feel suspicious after a few months’.

Eight Hour Cream doesn’t just moisturise elbows, lips, dry patches, help with burns, work as a great overnight facemask for ‘office face’ (ie flaky and scaly due to central heating systems) and help your nails. Oh no. Here are five ways you can use it that the instruction leaflet won’t tell you about:

(I should really hammer home that this post isn’t sponsored by anything other than my own life, and that I’m just a girl, standing in front of Elizabeth Arden’s Eight Hour Cream, asking it to do some useful things to my face and hair that I can vine.)

Use 1: Making glittery lips and eyes

You know those loose pots of glitter you have lying around the house? No. But you might have one or two in the bottom of your make-up box from when you were 12. Dig it out and make eyeshadows and lipsticks because what else are you going to do with an afternoon?

I should really hammer home that this post isn’t sponsored by anything other than my own life, and that I’m just a girl, standing in front of Elizabeth Arden’s Eight Hour Cream, asking it to do some fun shit I can vine.

Use 2: Removing eye make-up

And not just glittery stuff you’ve made using Eight Hour Cream. Oh no. I removed felt tip eyeliner and a really good mascara (Benefit Roller Curl – check it out) in about 10 seconds, using just a pea-sized amount. Could have used less, to be honest. But the phrase ‘pea-sized amount’ is so damn satisfying.

Use 3: As a highlighter

You could mix this with a pink or a shimmery creamy colour, but I prefer my highlighters colourless, so I slapped this on my cheeks and looked really glowy and youthful. Like the head of a baby that’s fallen into the sun. Or just someone who is wearing nice highlighter.

Use 4: For eyebrow shaping

Unfortunately my eyebrows aren’t unruly enough to have done a proper demonstration, but hopefully you can see in the below vine that the cream can really shape a brow. And it’ll stay set, too. Especially good for owls.

Use 5: For gelling hair

Slicked back hair is really hot right now, according to fashion people, but if you’ve got a fringe then how can you do it without pinning it? Eight hour cream, obviously. You can also use it on frizzy ends as well, but use it incredibly sparingly. In the below vine I, again, used a pea-sized amount and distributed it across three fingers.

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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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