DIY Shattered Glass Manicure

For nails that look equal amounts sparkly, equal amounts dangerous.

DIY Shattered Glass Manicure

by Mari Santos |
Published on

I’m a nude nails forever kind of girl, but sometimes we all need to live a little. This look, hot off South Korea, is easy enough to apply during a Netflix session and cheap enough to remove without guilt if you’ve changed your mind. All you need is shiny ribbon, chunky glitter, a pair of scissors and top coat.

First, cut off your ‘shards’ of glass (basically tiny triangles and rectangles). If you prefer a nude base colour, go ahead and paint your nails.

Apply a top coat.

While the top coat is still wet, position the bits of glass onto your nails.

Now add the glitter bits to the smaller areas.

Seal it all in with another top coat.

Look over in awe as your nails catch the light. Enjoy before you probably begin to peel off the bits in half an hour.

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**Follow Mari on Twitter ****@SariMantos **

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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