DIY A Nail Polish Floral Crown

Look sweet and expensive for totally cheap.

DIY headcrown

by Mari Santos |
Published on

Spring is coming up, which means it’s the season for flower crowns and pastels. I mean, you could be like everyone else, link some daisies and call it a day, but what about something a little more original? No worries, I got you.

You can even do this project as a sleepover activity with 12 year old girls like I did. Who knows fashion more than precocious tweens? Also, if a 12 year old can do it, you’ve got no excuses.

Here’s what you need:

Nail polish, wire, scissors or wire cutter.

Cut a small piece of wire around 4-5 inches long.

Form a petal.

Five petals is a good start.

Using pastel nail polish, paint the petals. Set flower aside to dry.

Fit wire around head.

After fitting, secure the band.

Slowly begin to add the flowers on the main band by twisting the wire around the main crown.

Place the crown on the head.

Go forth and enjoy your gorgeous, one-of-a-kind crown.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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