Summer is almost upon us (rejoice!) but if, like us, the winter has left your tresses looking less glossy glamour more fugly frizz, fear not!
This hair mask has no nasty ingredients, is easy to make and doesn’t cost the earth. The coconut and honey nourishes, while the apple cider vinegar will make your hair look all shiny and swishy.

You’ll need:
[2 empty jam jars
]([6 tablespoons of Coconut Oil
]( / One bottle of squeezy honey

Measure out 25ml of apple cider vinegar, and half between your two jar jams (this recipe will make enough for two jars, one for you one for your mate). Pour 170g of honey into each jar, and mix.

Now, time for the Coconut Oil, we know a jar of this stuff is expensive, BUT it’s a super healthy and versatile product, you can use it as a healthy cooking oil, pop it in a smoothie, and one quick Google shows all the ways you can use it as a beauty alternative.
When the coconut oil is hard, you can spoon out 3 tablespoons into each jar (or if your jar is a lil bigger, 4 or 5 tablespoons each)

Pop the lid on and give it a shake. You’ll see that the honey, vinegar and solid coconut oil won’t mix perfectly. Put the jar in the microwave for 30 seconds to melt the oil and mix everything nicely.

Leave to cool, the coconut oil will go solid, but the honey and vinegar will have mixed in nicely.
There you have it, a luscious hair mask with only 3 ingredients!

To use:
After shampooing, pop a lil through the ends of your hair and leave on for 3-5 minutes. Rinse and voila, you’ll be walking to work tossing your hair as if you were the subject of a cliche shampoo advert.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.