How’s your hair doing? Maybe you made a last minute dash to your hairdresser as lockdown was closing in, or maybe you haven’t been to a salon since the beginning of the year. Either way, most of us will have been thrilled to hear the news that salons across the UK are permitted to reopen their doors from July 4. Naturally, this does mean that, after three months of closure, salon appointments will initially be like gold dust, with many places booked up for weeks. And given that we may also face further lockdown measures in the future (or even localised lockdowns, as in Leicester), how do you future-proof your hair and ensure you get a haircut that’s going to last?
In the name of the people (and my own mop), I spoke to some of the UK’s leading hair experts in order to discover just exactly what we should all be asking for. In a nutshell? You’re going to need more than just a trim.
What Should I Ask My Hairdresser For When I Finally Get An Appointment?
This obviously depends on your hair type and its current state. If, for example, you usually have highlights every 6-8 weeks, you’ll have a lot of root action going on. But, as Louise Galvin, colour director at Daniel Galvin salons suggests, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
‘Clients will have been away from their colourist for several months and so their natural colour will have grown through and they may be pleasantly surprised with the results,’ she says. ‘This is the perfect moment for you to be looking at your colour and style with fresh eyes. I would suggest everyone has a full consultation with their stylist and colourist - treat your first appointment as if it’s your very first visit to the salon. Your colourist should take into account your eye colour, brow colour and your natural hair colour, and take it from there. You may have grown out an old style and this is a chance to adopt change in both your style and colour.’
Similarly, when it comes to cut, hair guru Luke Hersheson agrees that this could be the perfect time for change. ‘I think where people haven’t been able to get to a salon, their hair has been put into a position they never wanted because they haven’t been able to have it done. So, they’ve been forced to experience something new – whether that’s just it being grown out or whatever. And I think what that’s done is it has made people braver – they’re really desperate and braver for a change which I think is great. There are two things I would advise you do, though – really consider what it is you want doing and also take in loads of pictures.’
What Is A Low-Maintenance Haircut?
As someone with curly but fine hair, I’ve long wondered what the answer to fuss-free styles is. You know – the sort of hair that looks amazing in a very effortless, low-key sort of way. The answer? It’s always a great haircut, says Hersheson.
‘A great haircut is really a foundation for your hair. So, if you’re planning to go off to your local salon and just have a trim this weekend, you’re going to be disappointed. You’ll just be getting rid of split ends and that is not the same as a great haircut. What you want is something with shape- whether your hair is long or short, getting the shape right will support any styling you do afterwards. It’s not a trend thing and this applies to all hair types – straight, fine, curly, afro hair – so if we get lockdown again or if you can’t come in for a while, you know your hair can support good styling or even will allow you to just wash it and leave to dry naturally for the next however many months.’
What Does Your Hairdresser Want You To Know Before You Go To The Salon?
Of course, hair appointments are going to look – and feel – a little different at the moment. Protocol will vary slightly from salon to salon but there are also some things that will be the same everywhere under new regulations. Here are some of the things you should bear in mind:
Don’t take anyone with you.
Be on time. As Hersheson explains, ‘Don’t come too far in advance but try not to be late. We’ve extended appointments so that there’s cleaning time involved but if people are late it throws everything off.’
Expect your stylist to wear a visor. Some may also wear masks, too. Most salon owners I spoke to said that masks for customers would be optional but again, this may vary from salon to salon.
Expect a PPE bag on arrival – this will include disposable towels, a disposable gown, gloves, a mask and – as in Hersheson salons – even a bag in which to put your belongings as cloakrooms are all closed.
Don’t expect food or drink – most salons are encouraging clients to bring their own coffee/water etc.
Take your own magazines.
There will be plenty of sanitiser stations around salons
Some salons may have put up screens to create more distance between clients
You may be asked to have your temperature taken. At Gina Conway’s Aveda salons and at Daniel Galvin, both client and staff temperatures will be taken on arrival with a contact-free temperature gun.
What Are The Best Low-Maintenance Haircuts Of All Time?
Every hairdresser I’ve spoken to, whether it be about colour or cut, has stressed the importance of visual aids. Take as many pictures with you of things that you like so that you can really show your stylist what you want to achieve. And, as Hersheson says, don’t let anyone touch your hair until you’ve had a really good consultation with them – any hairdresser worth their salt won’t start colouring or cutting until they’ve had a proper conversation with you to determine what it is you want.
Depending on your hair type, obviously, and what you’re looking for, you might find inspiration from one of these low-maintenance, high-impact hair heroes…
Low-Maintenance Hair Inspiration To Take To The Haidresser

Alexa Chung
Alexa might be the ultimate pin-up for anyone with fine, mid-length hair. The shape is so good – it frames her face, has movement and – crucially – will grow out well.

Kerry Washington
Of course, curly hair can never truly be low maintenance and the tighter the curl, the more effort it takes to look after your hair. But as Kerry Washington proves, having a great cut will provide you with the ultimate foundation and will give afro hair the perfect shape to suit you.

Goldie Hawn
Goldie Hawn is the perfect example of a fringe that doesn't need to be high maintenance. By keeping it long, it makes the hair look more effortless and will ultimately be easier to style even after weeks without a salon appointment.

Kate Hudson
Similarly, Goldie's daughter, Kate Hudson, proves that a great haircut will even take you to The Oscars. While her hair is quite short, the cut gives interesting texture that means it doesn't fall flat or look lacklustre.

Lisa Bonet
'90s Lisa Bonet is a style icon for so many reasons but her hair here is particularly excellent. It's also a great picture to show to your stylist if you have tight curls but want to keep some length – Bonet has a great shape to her hair here.

Kate Moss
Kate Moss' hair has probably been the same for decades – but for good reason. While she doesn't have particularly thick hair, her brilliant cut always ensures it looks amazing, yet totally effortless.

Yara Shahidi
Yara Shahidi always manages to make her hair look completely effortless, despite having curls that require a lot of care. This is largely down to the cut, which allows her to style her hair up or down. Make sure your stylist understands what you're looking for – curly and afro hair usually needs to be cut freehand and often when it's dry.

Keira Knightley
For any brunettes feeling like their hair is a bit lacking in oomph, Keira Knightley is the perfect example of the power of a great cut. Styled by none other than Luke Hersheson, the reason these waves look so good is thanks to the great haircut underneath.

Tracee Ellis Ross
If you have tight curls and want to keep them at a manageable length, Tracee Ellis Ross is a great source of inspiration.

Meg Ryan
For those with short, straight hair, there's no better muse than 90s-era Meg Ryan. Try to avoid too many layers, though, and ask your stylist not to go too short on the front.

Yasmeen Ghauri
Canadian supermodel Yasmeen Ghauri was the face of everyone from Chanel to Jil Sander in the '90s. She's also the owner of a particularly phenomenal hair cut, which is ideal for anyone with looser curls that sit just above the shoulder.

Sienna Miller
Much like Kate Moss, Sienna Miller is renowned for her beachy, boho waves that never look too 'done'. The secret is largely in those face-framing front strands, which are key to flattering your face shape.

Yasmin le Bon
If you're blessed with thick, wavy hair, this throwback photo of Yasmin le Bon is for you. It proves that a good haircut can be so powerful, minimal styling is required – but maximum results can be achieved.