The ever so cruel irony of life is that the nearer you are to pay-day the more you need cheering up. However, you probably have the least funds available to do anything about it at this time of the month.
That said, a little self-love indulgence doesn’t always have to cost the earth. When you spend on the small things, say a new calming sleep mask or a super cute wipe-clean make-up bag, you may actually find yourself appreciating it more than a glorious but panic-inducing expensive highlighting palette. To make this week fly by consider a pocket-change splurge on a peel-off lip tint that will bring in all the Instagram likes or an argan oil from The Ordinary your skin will be thanking you for later. If you can only justify a late-in-the-month spend if it's on a practical purchase, then look no further than Liz Earle's brilliant cleanser. However, we won't judge if you want to dig deep in the sofa's cushions to find the £8 to spend on Soap & Glory's metallic lipgloss that looks out of this world!
1. WOW Romantic Bear, Long Lasting Peel Off Lip Colour, £4.97

2. Liz Earle, Cleanse & Polish, £6.50, Boots

3. Yes To, Cucumbers Calming Sleeping Mask, £2.05, Feel Unique

4. ASOS, Make-Up Eyebrow Palette - Determined, £9

5. Too Cool For School, Dinoplatz Magic Wand Make-Up Remover, £6.50, Selfridges

6. B. Confident, Hyaluronic Acid Spritz, £7.99, Superdrug

7. The Ordinary, 100% Organic Cold Pressed Moroccan Argan Oil, £6, House of Fraser

8. Soap & Glory, Spectaculars Matte-Allic, £8

9. Rocket Bags, Palm Tree Clear Travel Bag, £6, Selfridges

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.