Today it is Fashion Revolution Day, which was formed two years ago after the collapse of the Rana Plaza clothing factory in Bangladesh. A disaster which killed 1,133 people and left over 2,500 injured.
Today to mark the anniversary we are being asked to turn our clothes inside out and post a selfie with the hashtag #whomademyclothes on Twitter and Instagram, tagging the brand. It only takes five minutes, but this social campaign strives to highlight consumers' demand for transparency in clothes production. Unsurprisingly the hashtag is already trending, with the likes of Stella McCartney and the Hemsley Sisters turning their clothes inside out.
Carry Somers, founder of Fashion Revolution Day, said to Grazia Daily: "A new Behind the Barcode report published today found that 48% of brands hadn’t traced the factories where their garments were made and 91% didn’t know where the raw materials came from. We need to ask #whomademyclothes? to re-establish the broken connections in the supply chain because greater transparency is a prerequisite to improving conditions."
To coincide with Fashion Revolution Day the trailer for the upcoming documentary 'The True Cost,' directed by Andrew Morgan, has been released. Lucy Siegle, ethical columnist and executive director on the documentary with Livia Firth, spoke to Grazia about why Fashion Revolution Day is so important: "The brilliant thing is it's brought everyone together. We might be all working on different parts of the supply chain and picture - but it gives people who are not from an ethical fashion background an understanding and a focus point."
As for what the hashtag can achieve, she stresses that your voice can be heard: "In Bangladesh workers don't meet the consumers and so think we don't care about them. We need to represent ourselves. Fashion Revolution Day is becoming a big thing in Bangladesh and Cambodia - we are telling the workers we need to change the status quo for you."
As for 'The True Cost' Lucy says: "The film is really important because it's not an appeal - it is a proper compelling documentary. It tends to get ignored because it's not something like climate change - people tend to think fashion is frivolous and unneccessary. But this is very much about women's rights and human rights."

It is set to be a powerful watch. "I cried twice in the film - and I know the footage well. What David has done is found amazing characters - he followed a young garment worker who worked in Rana Plaza and has another job in a garment factory, because what else is she going to do? She is one of those personalities that just keeps it together but at one point you see her mask slip and see how terrified she is. It is so moving."
As for what the documentary can achieve, Lucy said: "I hope people use it to feel validated. I don't want everyone to throw their shoes out - I just hope people understand that they are connected to it. If you love fashion and care about what's in your wardrobe you need to engage with these issues."
Watch the trailer for The True Cost below...