This week is Bike Week, people. So how about celebrating by getting on your bike? OK, I know that might sound boring, but coming from a recent cycling-convert I guarantee it can be fun, not to mention beneficial for your health.
I started cycling to work last year, after the 45 minute commute and the tedious hour-long gym sessions got the better of me. I no longer wanted to pay TFL £2.90 for the privilege of being crushed between men in suits, and my gym £40 a month to sit on a stationary bike for an hour while me and my fat were going nowhere. No thanks. So, I invested in a bike that my friend was selling and decided to make it my new daily routine to cycle to work. Easier said than done, right? Wrong.
Now, l’ll be honest, the first couple of weeks were hell – dragging myself out of bed was hard enough, but then getting on a bike just to get in to work? Ergh.
However, a year later, five days a week for 52 weeks (OK, sometimes four days… OK, sometimes three), and now I can’t commute any other way. Gone are the 45 minutes of delays and depression on the Underground, gone are the pointless gym visits that would consist of me sitting on the mats pretending to do sit-ups, and gone is nearly two stone.
The Pros of cycling to work:
-You get a full body workout twice a day, for free!
-You don’t have to spend 45 minutes squashed under someone’s armpit in the rush-hour crush
-You save thousands of pounds on Tube travel (OK, maybe not thousands, but definitely a lot)
-You get a hit of endorphins before you even hit the office!
Here’s how to get on your bike, and look good while doing it:
-Buy a good lock – nice bikes get nicked!
-Take a change of clothes to work
-If you have long hair, get it out of your eyes by loosely plaiting it
-Stick to cycle lanes where possible
-Always put your lights on at night
-Don’t talk to the men in lycra
-Wear a helmet for goodness sake!
-Always indicate. ALWAYS.
Now, check out these products to help you get riding:
Bike Week

Ridgeback Tradition Bike in Red £349.99

Bobbin Birdie Bike £400

Bobbin Retro Light £26.50

Knog Blinder LED Light £19.79

Crane Brass Bell £10.99

Retro Chrome Plated Bicycle Horn £5.99

Bicycle Basket £19.99

Brompton Game Bag £245

Flamingo Helmet £69

Crochet Cycling Gloves £14.99

NIKE Woman's Poncho £110

NIKE Air Max 1 £96.99

ADIDAS Workout Top £22

Sweaty Better Run Tights £70

The Urban Biking Handbook £16.99

The Girl's Guide to Life on Two Wheels £14.99

Brompton Handkerchief £22.00

Vintage Bicycle Necklace £210