Is this the turn of an edgier new leaf for Chloe Moretz? The 18-year-old stepped out in NYC yesterday, dressed in laid-back style in a black playsuit and printed bomber, but on closer inspection she had a new addition to her look: a septum piercing (or perhaps a clip-on version- the jury is still out) adorned her nose.
It's not the only sign of a tougher approach to style for Chloe, either as over the weekend, an Instagram post from tattoo artist Dr Woo revealed she has her first inking: a series of faded letters denoting the initials of her siblings and parents, which runs down the top of her outer left thigh.
Chloe has upheld a pretty squeeky-clean reputation over the years, despite her breakout role as prophanty-loving vigilante Hit-Girl in *Kick Ass - *her brother Trevor is her favourite date for Hollywood parties and floral dresses are a perennial favourite of hers. But in the style department at least, it looks like she's keen to prove she's gaining a little sass with age, given this short succession of new body adornments.

Chloe's not the only star who wears a septum rings - FKA Twigs is known for her prominent nose ring, as is Zoe Kravitz, while Rihanna dabbled in nose adornments last year and Madonna's daugher Lourdes revealed her newly pierced septum back in March. We'll be keeping an eye out to see if Chloe's is a permanent fixture...

See Chloe's style evolution in the gallery below...
Chloe Moretz Style - Best Dresses & Outfits

Chloe Moretz style black and white crop jumper trousers

Chloe Moretz style blue feather dress

Chloe Moretz style christopher kane black tassle bag

Chloe Moretz style jonathan saunders print dress 2014

Chloe Moretz style marios schwab 2014 black dress

Chloe Moretz style miu miu 2014 floral dress

Chloe Moretz style print dress grey black