Periods – who would have them? And while some (very lucky) women manage to evade the pain, the swelling and the mood swings entirely – others suffer terrible at the hand of their monthly cycle. We spoke to Jayne Cherrington-Cook, health and beauty expert and Managing Editor of Pink Parcel (a genius monthly subscription service that delivers treats and feminine hygiene products directly to your door), to discover exactly how to make this four weekly phenomenon a better experience for everyone involved…
1) What exactly is PMS?
For the 70% of women who suffer from PMS – or pre-menstrual syndrome – it definitely is a thing. It’s a sweeping term for all the ‘pleasant’ symptoms experienced in the lead up to your period. These include both physical – the bloating and breast pain – and the psychological – the mood swings. As to what causes it, no-one really knows, but it’s thought to come down to fluctuating hormones.
2) Is it normal to feel pain at this time and how much pain is normal?
Pain during your period – also known as primary dysmenorrhea - is caused by the release of chemicals called prostaglandins, which makes your uterus contract. The more of these chemicals your body produces, the more pain you’ll get.

3) Why do we feel so down in the dumps before our period?
This is due to the rise of hormone progesterone. It helps to thicken the uterus lining to prepare it for pregnancy, but it can also make you moody, as progesterone helps make cortisol, a hormone associated with rising stress levels.
4) All I crave is junk food, but what should I eat or drink to help with the pain?
It can be hard to eat healthily when PMS strikes, but consuming fatty food can make you feel worse. Spinach is packed with folic acid, which can help to boost moods, while beans are packed full of magnesium, which regulate serotonin, making you happier. Dark chocolate is also a great source of magnesium so you can definitely indulge in that during your period! There are also lots of teas you can drink to help with symptoms – peppermint is great for bloating, while ginger can help with painful cramps.

5) What foods are off-limits?
Well the bad news is that fatty meats, such as the delicious burgers you crave, contain saturated fat which can make period pains even more painful. Crisps or anything other salty snacks can actually make bloating worse too. You might also consider ditching your coffee habit during this time, as caffeine can make cramps worse and can even contribute to irregular periods.
6) We've heard lots about Evening Primrose Oil and Omega 3 - do these help?
Some studies have shown that women taking Omega-3 fish oils had less period pain than those who didn’t, while a dose of Evening Primrose Oil has been shown to help reduce tender breasts. If your periods are really heavy, then you may also feel the benefit of taking an iron supplement.

7) Bloating is the worst - do we have to wait it out or can we do anything about it?
It’s down to those hormones again! Progesterone slows down movement in your tummy, creating bloating, constipation and excessive wind. Exercise is a good way of minimising this as it can help get your gut moving again. Other tips to beat the bloat include drinking lots of water, reducing your intake of fibre and eating smaller meals.
8) Will hitting the gym help?
All exercise is good during this time. Not only has it been proven to help with pain relief, but exercise endorphins will also help cheer you up! Obviously we don’t all feel like going for a ten mile run during our period, but walking or yoga are just as effective.

9) What are three quick-fixes to a happier period?
Factor in some you time. Stress has been shown to make PMS worse so take a bath or get an early night.
Exercise! I know it’s probably the time when you least feel like it, but you’ll be surprised at how good it can make you feel.
See your GP. If your periods are really getting you down, don’t suffer. Your GP may be able to prescribe painkillers or the contraceptive pill to help make them more bearable.
10) What pills should we pop if the pain gets too much?
Ibuprofen is a good choice as it helps blocks prostaglandin – a substance responsible for pain and inflammation, but actually often an old fashioned hot water bottle will do just as much as any painkiller as this helps relax the muscles in your uterus.